
What is Cave Writing Magazine?

Cave Writing is an online literary magazine for the University of Iowa focusing on the publication of single, stand-alone chapters from longer fiction.

This literary journal is written, produced, edited, and published by undergraduate/graduate students enrolled at the University of Iowa and working with the Magid Center for Writing.


Only chapters (1,500-5,000 words) will be accepted in Cave Writing, whether it be a stand-alone chapter from a longer work or not; whether it's Fantasy, Auto-Fiction, or Non-Fiction; or it's the first chapter, the last chapter, or from somewhere in the middle of the story. All chapters must have enough context that the reader isn't lost, or bit of explanatory text at the start of their piece to help provide this context. Although we have monthly prompts it is not required to use them when submitting. They are only there as a challenge if you want them.